Monday, December 26, 2011

Always Something

I posted this on my other blog in June 2011. I figured a good way to simplify my life is to have one blog.

I started trying to lose weight again last Monday. I did well until Thursday when I had lunch with friends. Then Friday I had lunch with my family. On Sunday, we had a huge birthday lunch for my nephew.It is always something! I want to have a healthy lifestyle and to make healthy choices but I also don't want to feel deprived.That is why I don't want this to be a diet. To me, "to diet" means "to sacrifice". I try really hard to the point of obsessiveness and then eventually get tired and quit. Thus the cycle of losing and gaining. I want to break the cycle once and for all. Part of me thinks that if I give it time, it will become second nature to make the right choices. However, living in New Orleans, there always seems to be food involved. Our lives revolve around food.... good food.....really good food! All celebrations revolve around where and what we are going to eat.We do lunch! We do dinner! When we go to the park there is food. I mean, where do we go that doesn't involve food? Maybe in other states and countries it is different but not here. I am just glad that I don't drink my calories. At age 44, my metabolism has greatly slowed down. I also quit smoking 11 months ago. This hasn't helped either. I have gained 40 lbs. since I quit. On top of that, I had a full hysterectomy almost 3 years ago. Obviously I am not losing weight as fast as I use to and this gets frustrating as well. 
Okay, I want this blog to be positive so I need to switch gears. There will always be something. I can't change that. What I can change is my reaction to it.( I am hearing the Serenity prayer in my head right now). I need to figure out what that reaction will be. My first thought is to figure out how a healthy person responds when faced with a situation like this. My cousin is very healthy. She works out everyday...I mean EVERYday. There is no junk food at all in her house. Everything is low or no fat. I'll be honest, I don't want to live that way. For one reason, I don't think low or no fat is necessarily healthy for you. Another reason is that I want balance in my life. Everything in moderation!
What do you do when faced with this situation? Do you go hog wild and order appetizers and dessert. Do you order grilled something and feel deprived while everyone else splurges? Do you plan ahead and eat fruit or vegetables only to save calories for that lunch or dinner? 
I  am going to give this some thought-food for thought?!!haha

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