Wednesday, January 4, 2012

To tell or not to tell

Good morning everyone! I woke up early to get blood work done . I went to my PCP office and waited only to find out that they could not draw the blood for all the tests needed. The nurse sent me to Quest and it was packed. I will say that I still hadn't had my morning cup of Diet Coke and started getting a headache. Anyway, finally I get called back to room 5 and the nurse starts asking questions. "Which surgery are you getting? Do you really think you need that ?I mean you don't look like it". That was sweet I guess but I told her that she definitely didn't see the before pictures that I took last night.
Over the holiday my mom told my Aunt, that was a huge mistake! She hasn't shut up yet about it and that was 3 days ago.
So here's the thing. I don't think it is anyone else's business. I don't want to hear the barrage of opinions good or bad. I just don't. I keep thinking of a tactful way to handle it. What are your thoughts? Haha I will ask ya'll for your opinions though....don't you feel special?!!!

1 comment:

  1. I didn't tell people I thought would be negative about it. But sometimes I told people and even though I expected them to be snooty, they weren't. It's a toss-up!
